A Yemaya, belongs to the healing power of the waters of the sea, thus, its representation is also in the plants and in their properties. Herbs and flowers represent Yemayá, mother of the world, Queen of the seas and powerful warrior.
In the herbs of this Yoruba Goddess is her healing and restorative energy, in them she offers her Ashe to heal and protect. With these amulets can be built to carry the protection of the Orisha and herbs are also used in offerings and ceremonies in her honor.
From the plants of Yemayá, through certain ritual procedures, the spiritual essence is extracted to make the liquid called Omiero with which the otá (stones), objects and religious attributes that represent it are purified.
Yemayá herbs
With these plants, the devotee shows his devotion and permanent faith to the Queen of the seas. We now propose 10 representative plants of Yemayá:
- Scientific Name: Verbena officinalis
- From the Lucumi language: Ewe oeukán, Orrioyo.
This is the legendary plant of Yemayá, it has the Ashé of the goddess, the spiritual plant that helps eliminate malevolent powers.
It is said that taking this plant with us helps us protect ourselves against any evil. In addition, amulets are made with it to make requests to the Goddess of the salty waters of the world.
Verbena also has important medicinal uses since the cooking of the leaves is a good emetic and its sap, with olive oil, is used in hair care.
2. Purslane
- Scientific Name: Tanilum paniculatum, Goerta and Portulaca oleoracea.
Its absolute owner is Yemayá and it is used to refresh and cover the Orishas. Spiritually it is used to open and clear luck in cleaning and washing.
3. Peppermint
- Scientific Name: Menthha sativa
- Lucumi: Efirin ewe Ka, Amasí
The elders say that the Virgin Mary and Santa Ana went to the mountains to look for herbs, Santa Ana plucked one, tasted it and said: "This is mint."
The Virgin Mary also started another one at the same time as Santa Ana and told her: “This is better Ana”.
Since then, the herb found by Saint Anne is called “yerbabuena” and the one found by the Virgin Mary is called “marjoram.” Both have spiritual and medicinal powers.
4. Holy basil
- Scientific Name: Ocimum basilicum
- Lucumi: Ororó and from the Congo: Mechuso
A plant with important medicinal and spiritual uses, also dedicated to the Orisha who owns iron and the mountain, Oggún. Its leaves help heal respiratory conditions, it is a strong antiseptic and antibiotic to treat viruses and fungi. It is also repellent for all kinds of insects.
This plant keeps bad energies away from our homes, attracts good fortune and abundance, breaks spells, and it is said that “where there is basil, evil does not come.” It has the power to spread blessings in the spaces it inhabits.
5. Indigo
- Scientific Name: Yndigofera suffruticossa. Mill.
- Lucumi: YinÃya, Ewe Ni
- Congo: Firio
This plant also represents the Orisha Oshun, goddess of rivers. It has important medicinal properties as a purgative, antispasmodic, astringent and stimulant.
By the grace of Yemayá, indigo in decoctions has the power to eliminate unsuspected internal tumors in formation.
It is extremely important for its incorporation into the offerings for the Orisha of the Seas. It is used in works and rituals, to represent the blue water and the energies of the oceans of Yemayá.
6. Guasima
- Scientific Name: Guazuma guazuma. Lin.
- Lucumi: Iggi Boni
An important plant for its uses in santera ceremonies, for the invocation of eggunes (spirits) and the making of amulets. Also, it is used for medicinal purposes as an excellent anti-inflammatory.
7. Lettuce
- Scientific Name: Lactuca sativa.Lin.
- Lucumi: Ilénke, Oggó yéyé
The plant is also from Oshún, the lettuce refreshes the two waters, Yemayá and Oshún. Their tureens or their sacred stones are wrapped in lettuce to refresh it.
Lettuce is used to clean the houses of bad vibes, to wash the floors and attracts positive energies. It is used in rituals to activate all the good and positive in life.
In medicine, it is rich in vitamins, sodium, potassium and magnesium, it is good for high cholesterol, it regulates sugar levels and many more properties.
8. Blackslayer
- Scientific Name: Rourea glabra. Kth.
- Lucumi: Konri
Yemayá fights with the palo de matanegro and defeats everyone, the stems of this plant have a historical significance, they were the whips of African slaves, hence its name.
9. Water melon
- Scientific Name: Citrullus citrulls
- Lucumi: Agbéye, Agüe tútú, Itakún, Hey, Oggure.
- Congo: Machafio suri mamba
It is the favorite fruit of Yemayá, melon is offered to him in pieces and whole as well, in front of his tureen they are offered to him for 7 days and it is taken to the sea as an offering, to make a special request or thank him for his blessings.
It is also used in rituals for other Orishas such as Oggún. to cool their anger and appease their desire to war.
Medicinally it is also a very good food and the decoctions of its root and its leaves relieve fatigue and refresh the eyes, its seeds are diuretic.
10. Chayote
- Scientific name: Sechium edule. Sw.
- Lucumi: Wobedo, Mionlo, Tuto, Laloyago
- Congo: Benbanguaria, Borenkeri.
Its tender leaves are used for the meals and stews that are offered to Yemayá, Oshún and Inle. With it powerful addimú (offerings) are made.
With this plant a syrup is made for lung disease, it is also used in decoctions to expel kidney stones.
All the plants of Yemayá are kind and healing, they have medicinal and spiritual secrets that help us to heal diseases, sadness and solve obstacles and problems in life.