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Beautiful Prayer to pray for the Dead and bring them a ray of light

Prayer for the deceased

Pope Francis used to say this prayer in favor of all the souls who left the earth to make a pilgrimage to the kingdom of heaven to meet God and to give up their virtues and defects in the final judgment.

The Supreme Pontiff recognized in prayer the element of salvation that spirits needed in order not to deviate from their path to heaven, seeing death as an evolution towards a better world free of:

  • Impurities,
  • diseases and
  • worries,

Place where the pain would stop and the reunion with our ancestors would be possible.

This prayer could accompany the novena that we carefully perform for the deceased after their death for nine consecutive days.

In this way we give them proof of our love and offer them the guarantee that we will accompany them in our thoughts as they face this new part of their existence.

Through this prayer:

The power of God over life and death is recognized by placing the Lord as the savior and not the executioner, emphasizing how necessary faith is in life, but also during death.

Prayer to pray for the Dead and elevate your soul

God of infinite mercy, we entrust to your goodness those who have left this world for eternity, where you wait for all humanity.

Redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ who died as a ransom for all our sins.

Do not look, sir, so many poverties, miseries and human weaknesses with which we will appear before the court to be judged for happiness or condemnation.

Look at us with the pious gaze that is born from the tenderness of your heart and help us to walk on the path of complete purification.

May none of your children be lost in the eternal fire where there can no longer be repentance.

We entrust to you, Lord, the souls of our loved ones and the people who have died without sacramental consolation or have had no way of repenting even at the end of their days.

May no one be afraid of meeting you after the earthly pilgrimage, in the hope of being welcomed into the arms of infinite mercy.

Sister corporal death finds us vigilant in prayer and full of everything well collected in our long or short existence.

Lord, let nothing take us away from you on this earth, but may you always sustain us in the burning desire to rest serenely and eternally, Amen.

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