Many times we have heard about holy water and its immense spiritual significance.
We have always witnessed its powers to purify, to cleanse, to protect. And the properties of this ancient water are countless.
Holy water is that consecrated by a priest of the church that is blessed when the minister draws on it the sign of the cross with the intention of blessing it, usually using a prayer of the blessing.
Thus, once water is consecrated it must be treated with the utmost respect, as it carries God's protection.
We must clarify that holy water can only be consecrated by someone who has very deep beliefs in the validity of the act of consecration and the religious practices of Catholicism or other religions that perform this ceremony.
It is even said that until a Christian counselor is fully convinced that he has the moral right to consecrate water, he must obtain his holy water from another person in the Church who is prepared to do so.
Holy water, purification and protection against evil How was this tradition born?
The use of holy water is extremely ancient, practically a tradition of the Catholic Church.
The Apostolic Constitutions, whose writing dates back to around the year 400, attribute the creation and first uses of holy water to the Apostle Saint Matthew.
It is assumed that early Christian times used water for purifying and expiatory purposes.
However, the natural element used for the sacrament of baptism was flowing water, river or sea, and could not receive the same blessing as that given in baptisteries.
- The baptisteries They are the area inside a church where the baptismal font is located and the baptism ceremony takes place.
History reflects that the “testamentum Domini”, a Syriac composition dating from the XNUMXth or XNUMXth century, contains a blessing for oil and water during Mass, already considering it holy water.
Thus it was prayed:
“We bless these creatures in the Name of Jesus Christ, your only Son; We invoke on this water and this oil the Name of the One who suffered, who was crucified, who rose from the dead and who is seated at the right hand of the Father.
Grant these creatures the power to heal; May all fevers, all evil spirits and all ailments flee from whoever drinks this drink or is anointed with it, and may it be a remedy in the Name of Jesus Christ, your only Son. "
Already in the fourth century, several authors wrote about the use of sanctified water for the liturgical blessing that we mentioned earlier or for the individual blessing of a holy person.
It was used to baptize everyone who started out in religion.
Religious traditions that have lasted to this day ...
At that time, many people who followed the religion believed that holy water had healing properties for the treatment of certain diseases.
For this reason, this water was carefully preserved throughout the year and was considered free from all corruption and all bad energy.
Since baptism was performed with holy water, many people attended these rituals with vessels to carry the water; some kept it in their homes and used it to bathe, others watered their fields, vineyards and gardens with it.
However, baptismal water was not the only holy water.
It was often placed at the entrance of Christian churches, for a clergyman to sprinkle the faithful as they entered mass.
This process is known as hydrokometes or "introducer by water", which consists of blessing the faithful before they entered the sacred temple.
Over time, the traditions associated with the use of holy water changed.
For example, Pope Saint Leo IV ordered each priest to bless water every Sunday in his own church and sprinkle the faithful with it.
Even those who wanted to, were allowed to carry vessels to carry water to their homes.
Then, the blessing was carried out on the Saturday before Vespers and in the XNUMXth century, the ceremony was carried out in the sacristy.
There are currently two Sundays on which water is never blessed, Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday. Holy water is made on the eve of these festivals to allow the faithful to take a little of it.
Learn about some of the uses and rituals with holy water:
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