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What is an Aleyus? The future Santero

What is an aleyo

Even though many people are not familiar with the term, Aleius is the word that represents many Cubans nowadays, interested in initiating themselves in the santera practice and in the rituals of the Yoruba religion.

And it is that those who decide to follow the Yoruba precepts must go through a preparation process, a period during which they are known as Aleius.

The term is the Yoruba word used to describe the believer who has not been initiated into the Rule of Osha-Ifá and means "guest."

This is how the person is known who, although visiting the holy house, does not really belong to it yet.

Aleyus, the guest, the Yoruba beginner

El Aleius He is not yet a santero, and therefore he is not allowed to participate in ceremonials that are secrets of his own yoruba religion.

But you are allowed to visit the holy house at certain times, so that you begin to learn about the history of the Yoruba precepts and become familiar with the life of a religious.

It is highlighted that the Aleius He must not have knowledge of the ceremonies that are intended only for initiates and santeros, nor can he exercise his functions.

For this reason, it is requested that you always have the guidance of your future godparents of the Yoruba religion to guide you and clarify your doubts until your initiation process arrives.

Obligations to fulfill and rules to be respected by the Aleyus

The Aleyes have some obligations that they must fulfill in order to begin, when the elders decide in communication with their Orishas, ​​their initiation process to the Yoruba cult.

Respect for your elders:

The aleyos must follow religious rules based on respect for their elders, as it is said: "Ear, no head":

  • You must respect and follow the advice of your Elders.
  • Abide by the internal rules of your religious house.
  • You must be moderate when presenting your position in front of the elderly on religious issues.
  • Limit your curiosity as far as your elders tell you.
  • Be humble, honest, and loyal to your elders.

Standards of Good Religious Conduct:

Maintain ethics, morals and good conduct towards religion and your religious brothers:

  • He must have faith and not deny the religion that welcomes him.
  • He cannot perform consecrations, ceremonies and sacred rites for which he is not empowered.
  • Secrets of religion cannot be disclosed.
  • If you do not have authorization from your elders, you must refrain from inquiring into religious matters that are not within your competence.
  • Comply with respect and humility the demands and norms of Osha-Ifá.
  • Do good, respect and help your religious brothers.
  • Follow the general rules of religion.

Bans on necklaces:

The aleyo must respect their received necklaces, because they are sacred attributes, some of the prohibitions regarding their necklaces are:

  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages or have intimate relationships while using them.
  • You should take them off when bathing or sleeping.
  • Do not allow other people to touch them, except by their religious elders.
  • In general, their religious attributes should not be touched or used in situations that may disrespect the Orishas.

All these precepts have the objective that the Aleius May you begin a spiritual life by following the teachings of the Yoruba religion and in the respect that its worship dictates.

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