They are the stories, essays, stories and chronicles, connoisseurs and writers of the history of mankind. Wisdom is the mother of evolution.
And are the Patakis, those who write the culture of the Yoruba religion and the teachings of its philosophy.
The Yoruba religion and the Afro-Cuban culture in general, uses short stories to represent different situations, called Creekí o creekyes. They are oral narratives of Lucumí's faith and his religious stories.
They are also known as short fables that have been passed from generation to generation and that help to illustrate new followers and members of the Yoruba religion.
They also provide advice on how to lead life with positive attitudes.
The stories are usually set in an ancient time when the Orishas were still in human form.
Stories and accounts of the beginnings
The creekyes they also often constitute stories that explain how the natural world arose.
And it is said that it is only possible to know the social meaning of Patakis, through their grouping and considered in their mutual relationship, to generalize symbols and elements that could be confusing.
El pataki it can narrate the history of a community with its constant changes and its constantly evolving internal order, in a structure of economic, political, social and spiritual relationships.
Pataki: history of an identity
The Patakis they gather all the wisdom of the Yoruba religion in short stories.
Some of the most recognized are The Crab, The Nose, Kolé, Constitution and the old men, The lying herons, The 9-tailed monkey and Palo, rope and Ram.
The common point of all these stories of popular mythology is their social efficacy for all times, seen in the teachings on good work.
For santeros and religious, Patakis They can even make people understand the letter or guess that came up and what they should do from it.
What is a Pataki? They are our roots, a teaching, the inheritance that our ancestors gave us as a sacred treasure so that we could keep the history of our religion alive.