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What Offering can be given to Oshún to attract a lot of Iré and luck?

What offering is given to Oshún

The deity Oshún She is a goddess who symbolizes emotions, love and all the feelings in the world. It is synonymous with fertility and everything feminine, it always protects its children and the wombs of its mothers.

The beautiful Oshún is the owner of rivers, gold, honey, and also the sweet and juicy mango, this beautiful fruit will be part of this offering to the goddess to attract iré (development) and luck to our lives.

What offering is made to Oshún?

Offering to Oshún with mango and honey
Mango Fruit

Oshún receives with love everything you offer him from your heart, the light of a candle, a thought, a song, a prayer, but among his favorite offerings are his beautiful sunflower flowers, honey, cinnamon, pumpkin, some of these elements we will use in this beautiful offering dedicated to the orisha.

The handle It is one of the most exquisite fruits that exist, possessing an extraordinary flavor, and it will be one of the powerful ingredients that we also use in this offering.

It is distinguished all over the world for its magical properties as a food, it can be enjoyed in fruit, juices, smoothies, ice cream and it is prepared in multiple ways.

Other parts of the plant are also important, such as its trunk and leaves, which have been used for medicinal purposes thousands of years ago.


  • 5 ripe mangoes
  • 2 yellow or white candles
  • Honey bee
  • Large white plate
  • Cinnamon
  • 5 gold coins
  • 5 sunflowers
  • Glitter (Glitter or Glitter)
  • 5 buttercup flowers
  • 5 cents

Prepare the work dedicated to Oshún

If you do not have received the Orisha you can also do this work, I always say that everything that is offered with faith is well received by our deities.

  1. First, you wash the 5 handles well and dry them, then you light two yellow or white candles.
  2. Smear the candles with honey always from top to bottom, as if attracting the abundance of this element to you.
  3. Put the mangoes on a white plate and pour honey and cinnamon on top, and on top of each one, place a golden coin.
  4. Delicately and adorning the work, you place the stemless sunflowers around the plate, and on top of the center of each sunflower you place a buttercup flower.
  5. You take the honey and pour a little over all the ingredients deposited on the plate.
  6. You also sprinkle the glitter on top of the ingredients, and tell Oshún:

Bella Iya Oshun
Your blessing every day
Here is your daughter / o (name)
Placing this Addimú with your favorite fruit the mango
So that with your honey you attract sweetness and love to me
With the cinnamon luck
With the coins, sunflowers and buttercup unfolding
With the glitter that I shine in the eyes of (my love, my job, my business, my home, whatever you need and want to ask for)
Thank you Iyá for granting it to me

You speak with Oshún gently with love and sweetness and above all things and most importantly with faith, without it we are lost.

The candles will light for 5 days in a row, the last day you will let them consume. This work will go to a river or at the foot of a leafy tree on the fifth day, next to the offering it will leave the right of 5 cents there.

I sincerely hope that a lot will come, I will go and unfold with the blessing of Oshún to your life.

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