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What is asked of Oshún? Sovereign of Aguas Dulces, guide us with love

What is asked of Oshún

To the African Mother Oshún We ask you to guide us through the difficult paths that love weaves in our lives.

Oshún is a female deity recognized as one of the main ones within the Yoruba pantheon. She is the Goddess of love in the Yoruba religion and the saint of femininity and abundance.

How is Oshún represented in Santeria?

Our Lady of Charity of Copper
Our Lady of Charity of Copper

Oshún is the deity that represents fertility, and is seen as a loving goddess who defends her children by any means, also granting them the best things for their lives.

His favorite color is yellow and gold is conferred on him as his metal of preference for his beauty in clothing, jewelry, the glamor of his trousseau and the money that his presence manifests.

She is benevolent and has been portrayed as an elegant and loving-looking woman, although she is also often temperamental and dire, but only under certain circumstances.

In Afro-Cuban religion, she is represented as a beautiful, friendly, party-loving and eternally happy African woman, who arrives beautifully dressed and accompanied by the persistent tinkling of her bells.

It is said that its mere presence is capable of solving as much as causing fights between orishas and men.

In Santeria or the Rule of Osha, Oshún is the symbol of coquetry, grace and female sexuality.

She is one of the female Orishas whose cult is linked to that of Shango, God of Thunder, although she is also a close friend of Elegguá, Lord of the Roads, which always protects her.

Oshún lives in the river and assists pregnant women and women in labor so that they can bring healthy and strong children to the world.

His syncretism in Cuba joins the Virgencita de la Caridad

In Cuba it is syncretized with the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, a deity that appeared in the sea in a carved image that showed the Virgin Mary.

On the board there was an inscription that read: "I am the Virgin of Charity." Today, she is known as the patron saint of Cuba.

Attend to the Goddess of Love to bless us ¿Cómo hacerlo?

Oshinshín for Oshún
Oshinshín Plate for Oshún

Let us remember that whenever we wish to ask for the blessing of the Orishas, ​​we can entertain them with offerings, also as a way of thanking them for their protection and guidance.

Oshún fundamentally likes the fervor and affection of his children, for which he always appreciates their displays of affection.

She loves that her faithful show her their devotion and respect and that they also speak to her with joy, about her life and her goals.

Some offerings that the goddess adores:

  • Oshún prefers food offerings such as gofio sticks with honey, molasses, and candies.
  • Sweet oranges, chard, tamale, yellow rice and corn flour.
  • He is offered corn, smelt with saffron and all kinds of sweets.
  • Yellow or gold colored candles or candles.

The liturgical food that is offered to him in the river is the Ochinchin: if you want to learn how to do it, click here.

In addition, the Goddess likes fish and shellfish such as river shrimp and prawns.

The food is also seasoned with almond trees, watercress, canistel, water flower, spinach, parsley, sweet potato, pumpkin, among other ingredients.

Of course, Oshún also loves beautiful and shiny gifts such as sunflowers, yellow roses, the beautiful buttercup flower and all kinds of coins, mainly copper or gold.

Petitions to the Mother of Sweet Waters, we ask for your guidance and affection

Oshún is a pious deity who can help us achieve our goals and become successful in all aspects.

The beautiful and powerful Oshún is always with open arms for her children.

But let us know that it is very important that when prayers are said to Oshún, they must be filled with faith and devotion, because only then will the Orisha listen to us and help us find the best solutions to our problems.

To Oshún, his children and faithful raise numerous prayers and prayers to ask for favors, help and support when making decisions.

The powerful Goddess of Sweet Waters will always help everyone who deserves it and show them the best way to go.

What do we ask of the Orisha Oshún?

Trusting in the power of Oshún, we fundamentally ask you to:

Achieve luck within family life.

As Oshún is the Goddess of Love in all its dimensions, harmony is requested in the home and in the family.

Many people pray that love remain between all members of the family.

Fertility, the blessing of having children.

Oshún is closely linked to the ability of women to generate life, and also claims equality with men.

So many women go to his temple, the river, to ask him to bless their wombs and grant them the happiness of being mothers.

Find love in life. 

The prayers to ask and find love in that other half and that it accompanies us in life, should only be done when the person feels confident and self-confident and not on a whim.

Oshún prefers to make people love themselves and accept themselves as they are and when love is true, they unite their children with lasting ties.

Abundance and material prosperity.

Those who worship Oshún not only regard her as the goddess of love, but she is also a divine representative of economic prosperity.

We ask her to intercede so that the ways of money are opened and the needs can be satisfied, and thus harmony also reigns in our lives.

The prayer to obtain money that is made to Oshún is also related to his syncretism with the image of the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, which is surrounded by copper and its representative color is yellow, referring to wealth.

Health and cures for the sick.

Many Yoruba devotees also regard Oshún as the queen of witches, with immense power.

For this reason, she is also in great demand to solve problems associated with health and ward off misfortunes and diseases.

And it is that the devotees have the certainty that Oshún does not stop fulfilling the requests that are made to him, as long as they are carried out with much love and devotion.

Blessings for marriage.

Oshún is the goddess of love, and for this reason it is said that she protects and blesses the love that exists between couples.

Short prayer dedicated to Oshún

We light a yellow candle for him and in the light of it, we pray to him with love.

My Mother, owner of all the rivers of the world, where every child of Saint goes to bathe to receive the blessing of fresh water, to have happiness and joy.

Woman with her skirt and five scarves to dance, a beautiful queen with her laughter and joy, but we must be careful because we do not know when she is brave, dead woman, Olofi's messenger. Thanks.

Prayer to Oshún for fertility, and may the blessing of a son come

Many are those who consider Oshún the goddess of fertility, so couples pray to him desperately asking for his help to receive the blessing of pregnancy and children.

With this prayer we ask Oshún for fertility:

My Mother, blessed are you Oshún, powerful queen of love and rivers

Goddess of the waters, you are venerated for the power you have in life

We come to honor and bless you, my Lady and my mother

I come before you so that you have mercy on me and see my immense desire to form a family that will accompany me on the path of life

I ask, my saint, that you allow me to be a mother

I beg you, my dear goddess, to fill my belly with life

That you bring light to my life, and to my family

Give me the blessing of being a mother and taking care of my little one as you protect all your children

Allow me to conceive a child who will be, I swear, loved by all who share my home

I know that everything you propose you achieve and that is why I come before you

To find some comfort in my life

I promise you holy mother, that I will always walk through life as your faithful servant

I thank you blessed Oshún, because you listen to our prayers

And because I know that a faithful of yours has not been left without an answer.

So be it

Some beautiful offerings dedicated to Goddess Oshún:

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