When we talk about ikines, we refer to sacred divinatory symbols of the Yoruba religion, made up of 16 palm nuts.
They are divine elements with ancestral secrets, messengers of the word of Orula and is that the ikines they represent the very mystery of creation.
Patakí de Orula and the Ikines
They say that once they told orula that he would not have children, but he did ebbó (cleaning) and by doing so his wish was fulfilled and he was able to have them. But then Orula faced a problem, all her children were obedient, except one, who was stubborn and disrespectful.
One day Orula summoned his children and the first six arrived and they respectfully made him the customary bow, but when the last one arrived, he did not offer a proper greeting and his father called his attention for his behavior.
His son told him:
“Father, I do not greet you, because I am the same as you, I wear Irofa, Iruke, Sandals, etc. and everything just like you, therefore, I don't have to do it ”.
Orunmila was outraged by it and scaled the large palm of ikenes to later retire to Orun. The rest of his children began to implore him to return, because they did not know how to face life without his help.
Orunmila then dropped the Ifá ikines and he told them:
"Take these seeds, they will be my spirit and my voice, use them and through them I will tell you the present, the past and the future, learn to behave and be worthy of the crown that you wear, too, aban eshu."
That said, to his children, Orula left, leaving the Ifá ikines.
Ikins, elements divinatory
The ikenes They are the fruits of the Ope Ifá palm, reddish nuts in clusters from which the oil is extracted.
The 16 palm nuts o ikenes They are the most important object used in Ifá divination. They distinguish the Oracle of Ifá from other divination systems.
Female and male, the ikenes they come together in the hands of eight and eight, seven and nine or nine and seven. The hands that are used in the Oracle must be anointed with Omiero (spiritual and sacred water made with the Ashe of the plants of the orishas).
Their combinations are those that translate the dissimilar situations that a person may face, who must always place their trust in the word that the Orishas transmit through them.

Prayers to the Queens of the Two Waters for fertility and health

Asking old man San Lázaro for health and miracles

Work to Obatalá to attract tranquility and health

Work to Eleguá to open the roads and happiness

Work with pumpkin for Oshún: Ask the goddess for what you need