Babalú Ayé: Father of the world
He is one of the main deities of the Yoruba pantheon.
He is a well known and revered orisha by his devotees. Greets Jekúa Babalu Ayé agronic! and the believers they ask for a lot of health and that it brings healing to the sick.
It is related to all diseases, mainly leprosy, syphilis, gangrene and venereal diseases.
Dogs accompany him, these animals are said to take care of him at the same time, full of pustules and scabs the dogs lick his sores trying to heal them.
In the Afro-Cuban religion it is syncretized with Saint Lazarus, both deities are venerated every December 17, that day Cuba dresses in faith to thank the Saint-Orisha for his mercy.
Compassionate but just with offenses:
Babalú Ayé is compassionate, humble, heals and heals his children on earth, he knows about diseases, regrets and anguish and gives the sick what they need to heal.
He is a very feared and respected deity, he personifies himself as a sick old man, his feet are twisted and his hands are clenched, his spine bent and he walks with difficulty because he is lame, he uses crutches and crawls, he sleeps on gates and portals.
What is promised to Babalú must be fulfilled:
He is a humble and proud Orisha, he punishes harshly and justly with what is broken, forgotten promises and disobediences. He punishes by crushing the body and sending all kinds of diseases.
In nature:
He is a pilgrim of all roads, and in nature he hides in the ivy to cover himself from the sun, flies and mosquitoes are his messengers.
His object of power is the corojo or coconut palm, accompanied by a palm branch with a piece of sack tied to it and snail shells adorning it; he blessed the wild cane and that is why they are protected from lightning.
Among his favorite foods, he likes corn on the cob, custard apple, pigeon pea and all the beans, peanuts, sesame, and bread.
It lives in clay pots covered with another pot that cannot be uncovered (both have holes for feeding).
Below we have carried out a Test with a selection of 10 questions, where you can learn about many more characteristics that define this orisha. Accept the challenge.
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Meet the children of Babalú Ayé in the following post: What are the children of Babalú Ayé like? Read more…