Eleguá, lord and owner of all the roads and doors and the opportunities and destiny of our lives, make my way straight protecting me day and night, make health, prosperity and luck illuminate my soul and my home, make the roads of good, being and happiness always open me, open my ways to success, close my doors to failure.
Each word or prayer addressed to Eleguá is a breath of faith and hope, as long as we put our hand on our hearts and need his energy and power, he will help us open good paths.
Eleguá is one of the deities of the Yoruba religion, a heritage left to us by Africans to this day, along with their faith, love and religiosity.
We pray to Eleguá to open paths of life, whether they be health, love and wealth, our destiny belongs only to him.
If from the heart we ask the little orisha of the Rule of Osha (Santeria) It will bring us prosperity, happiness or whatever we want, as long as we deserve it.
Before the prayer we can venerate the Orisha:
- You can light a white or red candle where you want to invoke the Orisha.
- Choose a place of absolute peace, either at home, behind the main door of the house where your deity lives, or in nature, in the mountains or near trees.
- You can offer him what you want, he loves candies and sweets, and fruits like guava, you can put some in numbers of three.
- It is important that you put a lot of faith in the prayer, and that you do it with sincerity, Eleguá is a justice, you should not ask badly for anyone, he will put everything in its place.
Eleguá and his prayer to open the roads and bring prosperity
Eleguá, make my way well, protecting me day and night.
May my work have abundance, joy and progress.
I beg you that there are no insecurities in my direction and that no one interject their enmity.
That there is no guarantee other than your power and suitability, transforming into great value everything I do on the path you choose for me.
Defend my house as a fortress, and do not let false witnesses and deceivers sit at my table.
Find me a decent job, give me your honor and always be my guide.