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Ebbó at the foot of the 7 African Powers ≫ for health and prosperity

Ritual 7 powers

The cleanings and ebbó in the name of the 7 powers they are very good and effective. I always say that sometimes it does not take so many elements for our life to take another turn, it just takes a lot of faith, will, love and a humble heart when placing each order.

The ebbó (cleaning) release you from negative vibes and restore your health, so we will do this ritual on behalf of the 7 powers.

Who are the Seven Powers?

The seven African powers They are deities of the Yoruba pantheon, orishas who possess great powers and energies of nature.

You will do this ebbó in the name of the 7 orishas, ​​which are:

  • Obbatalá the father of all, the Orisha of health and purity,
  • Choose the owner of destiny, who opens roads,
  • Shango the king of lightning, who gives you strength,
  • Orula the soothsayer, who gives you wisdom,
  • Yemayá the owner of the sea, who offers you love,
  • Oshún the goddess of the river and honey, offering her gold and sweetness and
  • Oggún the owner and king of iron, who gives his great courage.

If you want to know more about seven Powers, I recommend READ HERE

Ritual of the 7 powers:

It is very simple, you will see how with just a few elements you can clean the powerful energies of your body and spirit.

Ingredients you need:

  • 1 white candle
  • Schnapps
  • Tobacco
  • 7 cents
  • 7 square pieces of colored fabrics that can be: White, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Orange and others, except black.

How to do the ritual?

This ebbó is very effective, but you must do it with a lot of faith, it will appear on a Monday morning when you greet Eleggua.

  1. You take the 7 pieces of cloth and put them at the foot of Elegguá. If you don't have it, you should put them in a bag behind the door and you will also light the candle there.
  2. You light the white candle in front of Elegguá, ask for his blessing and give him knowledge that those pieces of cloth of different colors will be to clean you on behalf of the 7 African powers.
  3. You blow brandy and smoke Elegguá and the fabrics, and leave the candle lit for a little while.
  4. You will begin the ritual the next day, every morning before brushing your teeth you take a piece of the cloth and breathe on it, then you pray the prayer of the 7 African powers.
  5. This is what you will do every day until the 7th day with each piece of fabric.

Each fabric that you use will be set aside, you must be careful what color of fabric you used so as not to repeat the ritual.

At 7 days, which would be next Monday, you will clean yourself from top to bottom with all the fabrics and you will make the prayer of the 7 African powers asking for what you want, do not forget to ask for good health, because without it we have nothing.

After this ritual you will look for 7 different places where to leave each of your fabrics and in each place you will leave 1 cent, remember that the orishas live in nature, for example, it can be in:

  • Leafy tree,
  • Plaza,
  • River,
  • sea,
  • mountain,
  • mountain,
  • cemetery,
  • Bank,
  • grassland,
  • palm,
  • kapok

Here I leave you the powerful prayer, which is not only effective in this ritual, but is useful for everything, so you can invoke the Orishas and ask them for what you want from your heart, fortune, happiness and health, love and luck.

Prayer of power to the seven African Powers for protection:

Oh, Seven Powers who are around the Holy One among the holy ones!

I humbly kneel before your miraculous painting, to implore your intercession before God.

Loving Father who protects all creation, animate and inanimate, and I ask you, in the name of the most sacred and sweet name of Jesus, that you grant my request and return to me peace of spirit and material prosperity, moving away from my house and taking away from my step the pitfalls that are the cause of my ills, without ever being able to torment me again.

My heart tells me that my request is just, and if you grant it, you will add more glory to the name blessed forever and ever of God Our Lord, from whom we have received the promise that ask and it will be given to you.

So be it in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Listen to me, Chango!

Listen to me, Oshún!

Attend to me, Yemayá!

Look at me with good eyes, Obbatalá!

Don't abandon me, Ogun!

Be auspicious, Orula!

Intercede for me, Eleguá!

Grant me what I ask of you through the intercession of the Seven African Powers! Oh, Holy Christ of Olofi. For ever and ever be blessed. Amen. 

May the blessing of the powerful Seven African Powers bring you with this ritual above all a lot of health and love into your life.

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