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Prayers for abundance: 3 Saints who attract money and fortune

Saints who attract money

There are powerful spells to attract money, but it will always depend on who we direct our pleas to when it comes to improving the economic situation.

Getting out of a bad economic streak is a priority for many in this world in which we live today.

Money is a necessity to be able to give our family a good life and not suffer hardships or needs.

Likewise, if we accumulate debts and the money does not arrive, it is necessary to resort to the most powerful prayers intended for the patron saints of abundance, in order that they support us and guide us to get out of trouble and achieve material prosperity.

Undoubtedly many saints can help us depending on our faith and spiritual connection so that they hear our supplications and prayers.

Some of the saints that represent money and prosperity are:

  • Saint Jude Thaddeus
  • San Benito
  • San expedito

We must raise our prayers to them when we go through a time of financial need. Powerful saints who attract money, prosperity, abundance and good luck in life.

Saint Jude Thaddeus, patron of difficult cases

Saint Jude Thaddeus

Saint Jude Thaddeus He was one of the disciples of Jesus of Nazareth, who was part of the group of twelve apostles.

It is considered as "the pattern of difficult or impossible causes", which is why it is prayed to for a wide variety of topics that include cures and material abundance, among others.

And it is that San Judas Tadeo is attributed various miracles, above all, related to the cure of diseases or the achievement of complex plans and projects.

We pray to the saint when we need to obtain money quickly, because that is why he is a patron of difficult cases.

  • Let us remember that these types of powerful prayers must be done with great faith, so that Saint Jude Thaddeus listens to us and helps us to get out of the bad situation in which we find ourselves.

With this prayer we ask San Judas Tadeo for help to get urgent money

The prayer to Saint Jude Thaddeus for money is powerful, especially for difficult cases, to attract work to our life and abundance, in desperate moments to get urgent money and to make the money pay in our pocket.

We also pray for a miracle, for work and family, to get a job quickly and to keep it.

Saint Jude Thaddeus you who are Apostle and glorious Martyr of Christ, great intermediary in all difficult problems,

Today I come to you with great faith your generous assistance because I find myself dejected and tormented by the lack of financial means,

My saint, patron of the needy, merciful guide to the lost and troubled,

You who are my dear saint, my blessed patron and noble protector,

I humbly and prostrate before you, I ask you through the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, that you give me a compassionate look and do not despise my heartfelt prayer

My Father, help me to get out of this difficult economic situation and guide me with your light on the path of abundance

So that I can give a good life to my family and keep them away from hardships and difficulties

You who also by singular love, were united with ties of kinship to the divine redeemer Jesus, and you are a powerful help of the desperate

Pray for me, Patron Saint and my help, so that I may be assisted by your valuable intercession and may receive a prompt and effective solution for my overwhelming needs,

Make it possible for him to obtain urgent money to be able to face expenses, payment, debts and to be able to live with ease and tranquility,

Blessed Saint Jude Thaddeus, I praise you with affection and special devotion, bring me the presence and strength of God,

Protect me in any circumstance, may your help and comfort never end,

I promise to always be faithful to your image and sow your devotion

From now on I thank you infinitely for your favors.

So be it. Amen

San Expedito, patron of the impossible and urgent

San expedito of just and urgent causes

San Expedito is also a patron of difficult and desperate cases. He was a Catholic saint and martyr who would have lived between the XNUMXrd and XNUMXth centuries.

San Expedito is known as the Saint of just and urgent causes. He was beatified in 1629 by Pope Urban VIII, and was canonized by Pope Clement X in 1671.

However, he is no longer a saint endorsed by the Catholic Church due to the lack of evidence about his historical existence.

However, this saint still enjoys great popularity among the faithful, as he is prayed for the achievement of all kinds of plans and projects, however difficult they may be.

There is a great devotion to San Expedito since it is said that, as patron of urgent causes, he has performed many miracles.

Many are those who are currently praying to him for the solution of the most urgent needs, including the economic ones.

  • To pray to the saint, we can put a white or yellow candle in front of your image and with great faith, beg him to attend to our requests urgently.

This is the prayer for financial needs that we dedicate to San Expedito

The prayer to Saint Expedito for money and work is a miraculous and powerful prayer, it helps us to face economic problems, to attract urgent money, for a difficult request or an extreme, urgent and immediate need.

Saint Expedito blessed our protector, miracle worker

Warrior and martyr who now enjoy the Eternal Paradise, today I kneel before you to ask for your assistance,

I urge you with urgency and fervor to come to my aid.

My saint, there are urgent needs in my life that do not allow me to rest, I live in a state of constant worry and depression.

I urgently need your help and comfort, because I feel alone and desperate, I am despondent and suffering has taken hold of me.

The difficulty of my economic situation does not allow me to live in peace, that is why I ask you, who are the patron saint of just and urgent causes, help me to get up.

I ask you, San Expedito, to come and pour over me the courage, the energy, the hope,

That with your light you guide me along the prosperous path and alleviate my hardships and miseries, so that with your mediation I can solve my anguished needs and the economic problems that urge me.

Help me to strengthen my will and give me your support so that the terrible situation I'm going through now is resolved soon

Thanks Saint Expedito, benevolent saint, because I know that you are here with me, listening to me and that my improvement will begin at this very moment,


Saint Benedict, holy benefactor and protector of the family

Image of Saint Benedict

San Benito He was born in the Italian municipality of Nursia (Perugia) around 480 AD, from a noble family, but when he saw for the first time the social decline that prevailed in those times, he decided to live in the solitude of a cave, in order to increase in knowledge of himself and his neighbor.

He is a saint considered patron of Europe and patriarch of western monasticism and is credited with numerous miracles.

  • He is the patron of the farmers, engineers, and tanners of the farmers, of the Villa Heerdt near Düsseldorf in Germany, of the town of San Benito in Ecuador, and of Monreal del Llano in Cuenca (Spain).

He is considered a miraculous saint and many pray to him in cases of desperate need.

What do we ask of Saint Benedict?

He is asked to keep envy away from us and to protect us from those who wish to do us any harm.

But we also go to San Benito when we have money problems, because his legend indicates that he learned the value of money and helping others, so he donated his wealth to those who really needed it.

As long as we pray to him with great faith, he will give us an immediate answer to our prayers.

  • We can accompany the prayers with blue or white candles, which symbolize the saint.

This is the prayer to Saint Benedict for money

With this prayer we ask the saint to accompany us and intercede for good luck, to attract money and that abundance arrives quickly and urgently.

Oh glorious Saint Benedict! selfless and great defender, miraculous saint

Protector of the faithful, you who help us ease our hardships and understand our needs

I come today to pray for your divine assistance, because I am going through a very difficult time,

My Father, merciful Saint Benedict, the lack of money becomes unbearable and the financial problems do not allow me to get ahead

Today I am not asking you for a fortune, only that you support me and guide me to solve my financial problems.

Saint Benedict, you are my patron, and that is why I always come for your help.

Do not let my family suffer the whip of poverty and debt, receive my prayers and have compassion on me

Help me to solve my difficult situation urgently to continue on my way, make my prayers not be in vain,

And the sorrows move away from my life.

I thank you for listening to my prayers, I know that you are always by my side, my saint


Some of the rituals that you can perform to attract money into your life:

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