To the 7 African powers of the Yoruba pantheon We invoke them to thank them, ask for protection and help, especially when we go through complicated life situations, so that with their powers they illuminate our path and help us overcome obstacles and difficulties.
But we must know that each of the Orishas deities is assigned a specific color, which distinguishes it in the various ceremonies and rituals and also identifies the offerings received by the religious.
Each of the 7 African powers is associated in the Yoruba religion with a color, which is related to their attributes, or natural elements that represent them.
Colors that will also determine some of the elements that we use or rituals that we carry out to request their protection.
Tones and powers: The colors of the 7 African powers and their significance

As we explained, colors are of great importance when asking for the help of the 7 powers, since they even have a significance in the request that we will make.
The tones determine peace, purity, protection, in general, they have different spiritual meanings.
Let's see what are the colors of the 7 African powers:
Obatalá, Father Orisha wears White
It is always associated with the color white, a symbol of purity and mental clarity.
Furthermore, it is believed that their abode is in the mountains, almost bordering the clouds, so white also reflects spiritual elevation.
Yemayá, Mother of the Waters and its Blue
To the Mother Orisha and Goddess of fertility, the color blue in all its shades corresponds, because her kingdom is in the sea and its depths.
Also the tone is related to wisdom, healing and intelligence.
Oshún, Goddess of Love and Yellow
This beautiful deity is represented with the color yellow, in reference to the luxury and joy that her appearance always brings.
Shango, King of Thunder and Red
The passionate Yoruba king is characterized by red, for his bravery and courage, in addition to his impetuous character. The color combination of this orisha is also red and white.
Red is also linked to the overwhelming force of fire.
Eleggua, the Lord of the Roads wears red and black
The owner of destiny, the little one from La Ocha, is also characterized by the color red in contrast to mischief and alternates with black, which differentiates him in tones from the Orisha Shango.
Also black and red are established to symbolize the eternal balance between good and evil and the beginning and the end of each path.
Oggún, Lord of the Mount and its greens
The Iron King was given the color green alternating with the black color, in this way it is distinguished from the tones of the diviner Orula.
It is also in symbolism for the powers of the mountain and of the forge. These tones represent the enormous strength and at the same time, nature.
Orunmila or Orula. The green and yellow fortune teller Orisha

The sage and counselor Orula alternate green with yellow.
Green represents life and peace of mind, while yellow represents death and weakness.
The same colors that represent the diviner's sacred pact with Ikú (death) to protect the religious who will wear these colors on their ilde.
- In general the meaning of the colors of the 7 African powers in Santeria it is full of power, and they contain mysteries that give us protection because their spirituality is immense.
Some of the rituals, prayers and elements of the Seven African Powers:

A protective shield with the 7 African Powers to defend the home

Ritual with the 7 African powers A staff to protect us from evil!

What is the spiritual meaning of the 7-colored candles in Santeria?

Prayers and Petitions to each of the 7 African Powers

Prayers dedicated to the 7 Powers to ask for their protection and protection

The Reguío ≫ Evocation Ritual to the Seven African Powers

10 elements about the Seven African Powers that you may not have known

Ebbó at the foot of the 7 African Powers ≫ for health and prosperity