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Cinnamon and its spiritual meaning

Spiritual meaning of cinnamon

Many times we witness rituals that include the use of cinnamon, and they are so common in Cuban life that we don't even think about their spiritual meaning and their uses in religious practices.

La cinnamon It is widely used to cleanse bad energies and as an intense aphrodisiac, they are common elements in the day to day that, however, are related to the yoruba religion and the santeras practices.

First of all, we must remember that this is a spice with a very striking taste and smell, and that it has a great presence in almost all kitchens in the world, as it is an aromatic element with excellent acceptance in the world of confectionery.

Cinnamon also has medicinal properties and is used in patients with type 2 diabetes, it opens the appetite, reduces aerophagia and acidity and helps in the treatment of flu, colds and respiratory problems.

La spice of mysticism and spirituality

Already in ancient Egypt, witchcraft spells were made using cinnamon and the spice was also part of the potion with which the dead were embalmed.

The mysticism of this element has made it incorporated into religions and beliefs throughout the centuries, especially to ward off bad vibes and to sweeten hearts.

And the Yoruba religion has also made use of this important spice for their rituals. It is fundamentally characteristic of the Orisha Oshun, since the Yoruba goddess of Love adores offerings and rituals that include cinnamon.

Oshún is offered corn, honey and cinnamon as addimu to attract good vibes, abundance and love. This offering is also given to Mother Oshún in gratitude for her protection and her blessings.

Cinnamon for the religion

La cinnamon It contains a great spiritual meaning, good for love and for well-being, it is used in Santeria in works to clean houses, and to attract good luck.

It is advised that you can sprinkle your shoes with cinnamon so that good luck always accompanies you and on your cheeks to generate attraction.

Burning the cinnamon in bags helps the spiritual vibrations for abundance and personal success. In addition, it removes bad influences and the negative that haunts us.

It is important to specify that the spice is only used for ordering purposes, not for evil spell rituals or spiritual works to harm other people.

Cinnamon is a religious element used to do good, to attract love, the positive, sweet and beautiful in life.

Spiritual benefits of cinnamon:

  • With its essence it attracts love and good feelings.
  • It is a repellent against evil spirits.
  • Its sweetness helps us achieve abundance.
  • Allow the energy to flow in our favor.
  • It is an element that balances the energies allowing good luck to come to us.
  • It is used as an amulet along with other elements, because it gives us protection.
  • In the spiritual baths it cleanses us and brings joy to our lives.


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