I am Eggun's daughter and I didn't know it, since I was little I had dreams that I didn't understand, but I am Eggun's daughter and he guided me to the path I walk today.
I believe in spirits with all my mightWell, when I thought I would fail, when my sky turned gray and I knew what despair was, Eggun He was by my side, he did not let me fall and he gave me a thousand tests through which I knew that I would never be alone and that following his advice with perseverance I would achieve my goals.
It is easy to have faith when everything is going well, when there are no setbacks, but true devotion is found in adversity, when life puts you between a rock and a hard place and you just have to cling to what your heart dictates.
In this life the spirits are my guide...
I am Eggun's daughter because I believe in spiritism, in life beyond death, because I know that the spirits came into my life with the mission of orienting and guiding me, with the purpose of my salvation and that of my family.
I am Eggun's daughter because throughout my life I have seen and made the changes that the spirits wanted for me and through this I have managed to evolve and grow as a person, because I have experienced kindness, unwavering faith and true love.
I have experienced the premonitions, the currents of energy and the power of basil and prayer.
I am Eggun's daughter because I accepted each warning looking on the positive side and knowing that no matter how thick and dark the jungle that I must cross, my spirits will not abandon me and will guide my steps.
I owe them and thank them for everything and I can only repay them with faith, love and discipline.
I am Eggun's daughter And even if I am born again, I do not want to forget my beliefs, my roots, my identity, I find in the energy of my spiritual picture the strength, the joy and the will to continue fighting for my dreams.
I respect my ancestors, that is why I make a call in their honor before making consecrations, I seek the license and the blessing of my spirits to put blessings on the lives I touch, so that chaos does not take over my ilé and they do not come to my life disturbances.
I am Eggun's daughter and to the spiritual world I owe myself, spiritual development is the way to understand many of the secrets of life and destiny, light and progress for good beings.
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