How do we ask the Jimaguas Ibeyis for a favor in difficult times?

A prayer to the Jimaguas Ibeyis to ask for Good Luck and Prosperity

How to ask the Jimaguas? Prayer to the Ibeyis for protection

Meaning of the Jimaguas Ibeyis in Santeria

Leading the way with the Jimaguas Ibeyis: Offerings for abundance

Pataki ≫ How did the Jimaguas Ibeyis save the Orisha Obatala?

What are the children of the Ibeyis like? The mischievous Jimaguas de la Osha

How the Jimaguas Ibeyis defeated the Devil Abita? ≫ Pataki

The birth of the Jimaguas Ibeyis, the most spoiled≫ Patakí

Prayers in Lucumí to invoke the Jimaguas Ibeyis

September 26 is the day of the Ibeyis, the Jimaguas of fortune

Who is the Orisha Ildeu? The younger brother of the Ibeyis

Syncretism: San Cosme and San Damián are the Jimaguas Ibeyis

In September we celebrate Saints and Orishas

Meet Los Ibeyis, the Jimaguas of fortune

Works with the Jimaguas Ibeyis to prosper

Beautiful Prayer for the Jimaguas Ibeyis: The Saviors of the Malevolent

Diseases and situations from which the Orishas protect. Get to know them!

Orishas celebration dates ► Do you know when to venerate them?

Who are the Orishas Ibeyis? Knowledge test