Orisha Inle Day, October 24: Prayers and their celebration in Santeria

Powerful offering to Inle to grant us health and protection in life

Inle is the son of Yemayá Ika Irete and the religious Councils of the Sign!

A powerful prayer to Inle to grant us to be prosperous and happy

How to summon Inle, the Doctor of the Ocha? A Prayer for Health

Prayer, qualities and stories of Inle: the healing Orisha of the Yoruba Pantheon

Did you know that there are Orishas with various Catholic Syncretisms?

Inle, the Medical Orisha of the Ocha and his Religious Syncretism

Inle, the most beautiful of the Orishas, dresses in sun and sea

Yemayá's love for Inle Why does she cut out her lover's tongue?

Do you know Inle? The Medical Orisha and protector of our health

Herbs, fruits and flowers of the Orishas

Functions and Powers of the Orishas

Diseases and situations from which the Orishas protect. Get to know them!

Orishas celebration dates ► Do you know when to venerate them?

Who is the Orisha Inle? Knowledge test