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Rituals to the Orishas
Children of the Orishas
Prayers to Orishas
16 Odún of Ifá
letters of the year
Spiritual Masses
At the end of the Meeting: A solemn act within the Spiritist Doctrine
Calling the Trendy Eggun in Yemayá: Preparation of the Vault
Spiritualities with a tendency in San Lázaro How to develop your Masses?
Religious songs for the Spiritual Coronation Mass Get to know them!
Ninette Caren Fernandez
How to open and close a Spiritual Mass? Two prayers from Allan Kardec
Ninette Caren Fernandez
2 Prayers of Allan Kardec to open a Spiritual Mass and its meaning
Ninette Caren Fernandez
Praise to God: A Powerful Spiritist Prayer from Allan Kardec
Ninette Caren Fernandez
What is the Prayer to Start a Spiritual Mass? "Sacred prayers"
Claudia Rodriguez
Do you know the Types of "Spiritual Masses" that are performed?
Claudia Rodriguez
9 Days in Devotion with The Spiritual Novena ≫ Novena of Petition to God
Claudia Rodriguez
The Spiritual Masses and their secrets ≫ Everything we need to know!
Tips from a Santera
How is a Spiritual Mass performed? Give birth to the spirits
Claudia Rodriguez
How to make a Spiritual Vault? «What you should keep in mind»
Claudia Rodriguez
Spiritual Masses and Protective Spirits
Ashé for my Cuba
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