Prayer to Obatalá with 2 elements: Open paths with solvency and health

Powerful Work with Obatalá: Overcoming enemies and traps

Addimú for Obbatalá Do you want to attract Health, Evolution and Peace to your soul?

Offerings in Santería with Obatalá: Overcome difficulties and open doors

Obbatalá baths to keep your head and body cool

Powerful ritual at the foot of Obatala to attract a special person

Ebbó so that Obatalá improves health and you find stability in it

With Obatalá a powerful ritual for the Iré and the good to come to your home

Obatala bath for health and stability with white flowers and milk

Cleaning in the name of Obatalá to calm the atmosphere and the soul

Letter of Petition to Obatalá to fulfill your purpose and achieve your dreams

Spiritual Baths of Obatalá with Bread To open the Good Paths!

Do you want to ward off problems? A rice pudding for Obatalá as an offering

Work at the foot of Obatalá ► Strengthening the Union and Love between people

Spiritual Work to the «Virgen de las Mercedes» for health and evolution

Adimuses for Obatalá: Opening paths of abundance and evolution

3 Works with Obatala to bring us Salud, Iré and his great Blessing

How to make an Offering to Obatalá to overcome obstacles?

Adimú to the Orisha Obatalá with Soursop to overcome difficulties

Work with Obatalá and "Tranquilo Balsam" to reassure a person

4 Works with Oshanlá ≫ for mental health and development

Works with Coco at the foot of the Orisha Obatalá ≫ for health and peace

Adimú for Obatalá ≫ Looking for luck with Father Orisha

Spiritual cleansing to refresh the home in the name of Obatala

2 White Towers, Addimús for Obatalá the owner of all heads

Cleaning works at the foot of Obatalá to attract health

Rice pudding, Obatalá's favorite offering

Work to Obatalá to attract tranquility and health

Spiritual baths to open paths with Obatalá, Oshún and Olokun

Addimú of rice pudding for Obatalá

Addimú to Obatalá for health and protection

Obatalá baths with milk to ward off bad influences

Work with Obatalá to calm and strengthen unions

2 Works for health with Obatalá