Get rid of visible and invisible enemies: offering to Yemayá and a short prayer

How to prepare Ochinchin for Yemaya? Offering to the Mother of the Ocean

Do you know a Work to Yemayá to find new paths and luck?

Remove the obstacles with this Work opens paths to Yemayá, our mother

An Addimú for Yemayá: Bring the harmony and sweetness that your home needs

How to thank Yemayá? A beautiful offering at home with corn

Do you know this Offering to Yemayá to get Pregnant? Beautiful ritual

Coco Sweets for Yemayá: A ritual that firmly conquers difficulties

Powerful Addimú to Yemayá and Olokun to entertain and thank on their day

What fruit is given to Yemayá for the Overcoming of Difficulties?

How to do this Addimú to Yemayá to ask for her help and protection?

2 Adimú to Yemayá with Corn Cobs to attract Health and Firmness

Ritual at the foot of Yemayá How to prepare a powder to attract good luck?

Lamp and Ebbó at the foot of Yemayá: Cleaning of protection and gratitude

For Yemayá Dulce de Boniato or Malarrabia, one of your favorite adimú!

Fruit offering to Yemayá at sea Begging for help in urgent cases!

Powerful Lamp to Yemayá to attract "open roads and prosperity"

Offerings to Yemayá at home "for health and economic well-being"

We offer this Offering to Yemayá to cross the seas and open roads

How to send a Boat full of Offerings to Yemayá for our progress?

Planting corn for health ≫ Offering to Mother Yemayá

Adimú to achieve what you want at the foot of Yemayá, the great mother water

4 Addimú to thank Yemayá, the Orisha of the Ocean

Ebbó at the foot of Yemayá to purify and attract prosperity

3 Rituals with boats to Yemayá for Prosperity, Travel and Health

The Yemayá Blessing reaches man through Indigo ≫ 4 Works

Baths in the name of Yemayá to attract positive energies and Ashé

Cleaning the house with Yemayá to collect negative energies

Work of abundance to the Two Waters: Oshún and Yemayá

Offering to Yemayá in the sea to refresh

Baths with Yemayá water to clean impurities and attract luck

Work to Yemayá for development and well-being on the way

Advice and Work to Yemayá to attract Ashé and development