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Rituals to the Orishas
Children of the Orishas
Prayers to Orishas
16 Odún of Ifá
letters of the year
prayers to Oyá
Beautiful representation and I pray to Oyá Iyansa: Tribute to the warrior
miraculous prayer to Oyá Yansa who defeats evil and brings good path
Tribute to Oyá: A Prayer of Gratitude to the Queen of the Winds
A Oyá, Mother of Egguns, we ask for help in the face of the dangers of this life
Claudia Rodriguez
How to invoke Oyá with my words? Lucumí prayers to the Yoruba queen
Ninette Caren Fernandez
What is the Candle Color to worship? Oyá? A beautiful prayer to Yanza
Claudia Rodriguez
How do we ask Oyá a favor? Goddess impetuous as the storm
Claudia Rodriguez
5 prayers to Oyá for love and open paths How to invoke its power?
Claudia Rodriguez
prayer to the mighty Oyá Yansa to thank you from the Cemetery
Claudia Rodriguez
Prayer for Oyá Yansa ► Asking for "prosperity and open roads"
Claudia Rodriguez
Prayer of Oyá to pray to the "Queen of the Spark" for protection
Claudia Rodriguez
2 Prayers to Oyá to send us good winds and take away the bad
Claudia Rodriguez
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