Learn from the word of Orumila, his spirituality and tributes

Testimony of love and devotion to the powerful Orula in his day

Orula, an Orisha who is never wrong "the oracle does not lie"

Beautiful prayer to Orula for peace, the great benefactor of humanity

The Patronage of the Orishas in Santeria: The Most Powerful Forces

The colors of Orula: Green and Yellow, the power of life and death

Curiosities about Orula in Santeria: The great fortune teller and its meaning

Let's celebrate Orula the great Oracle of Ifá on his day Our wise father!

Why does Orunmila hate betrayal? Pataki where his word is law

Pataki where Orunmila discovered Oshún's name Legend of love!

On October 4, Orula day: Gratitude and prayers to the Orisha of Divination

How to ask Orula for a favor? Precede evil thanks to its power

What is asked of Orula? We ask the Orisha Soothsayer for your wise advice

Do you know why goat capon is given to Oshún? And other sacrifices

Olofi punishes the selfish! This story by Ika Ejiogbe reminds us

In Ogbe Otura Shango lost the Ifá board. Why was he punished?

How to get prosperity and intelligence in life? Pataki by Otrupon Meyi

Odun where the conflict between brothers is born: Pataki de Otrupon Meyi

The Children of Orula eat neither octopus nor crab: Pataki by Otura Meyi

In Otura Meyi Ifá says: Respect the peanut A story of great teaching!

Loveless marriage dissolves sooner or later: Pataki Otrupon Meyi

Ifá says that intelligence surpasses force: 2 stories of Otrupon Meyi

Discover the power of Truth and Lies in this pataki by Otura Meyi

Pataki de Otrupon Meyi: Ebbó with round fruits Important tips!

2 Pataki de Otrupon Meyi where enemies are discovered Ifá warns us!

Ogbe Otura: The hat and the sheepskin banner stopped the Osogbo

Ogbe Otura: The ékuele is tied with a chain with Olofi's blessing

Otrupon Meyi: Where Men wished to have health and ward off evil

Ika Meyi: The man who obtained his crown following the word of Ifá

Why is Eleguá a Prince? Olofin's power made him distinguished

Otura Meyi sign: The Ifá where orangutans wanted to be men

In Ika Ejiogbe he lost the Jicotea for trusting and NOT complying with Orula

In Ika Ejiogbe, evil tormented Eshú and the presence of Ifá saved him

Ika Ejiogbe: the son harms the mother Orula's word is NOT ignored!

In Ika Ejiogbe a marriage breaks down because of a son. Advice!

What is the Iyefá or Ashé de Orula? The Dust That Stops All Osogbos

Ogbe Otura: Where the meat was smoked for the 1st time with the power of Orula

Mother's love is blindOyá always defends his children with courage!

Orula advises in Ogbe Otura: Never be ambitious and everything will be left over!

Ika Irete Never reveal the secrets that save you from the enemy!

In Ogbe Otura Obatalá blessed the Yagruma Doing Ebbó you win!

Odun Meji: The Shishirikú and the trap of Eshú DO NOT mistrust Ifá!

In Ogbe Otura the hunter became rich by following Orula's advice

Ika Ejiogbe: Where a woman gives birth from scare Advice from this sign!

Do you know the meaning of the Idè de Orula? 5 Things you should know

2 Patakis by Ogbe Otura We must stay away from selfishness and lies!

Ogbe Otura: Why did Olofin punish humanity with Death?

Orula and Obatalá cursed the Rat for ungrateful and treacherous

Why did Orula curse the Dog to live under the command of Man?

The birth of Abita in Ogbe Otura ► What gifts did Obatalá give him?

In Ogbe Otura the Liar was crowned King fulfilling the Ebbó

In Ogbe Otura Ifá prohibits keeping secrets ► Tips from this Odun

How did the fortune teller Orula manage to convince Olofi to live on Earth?

The Yoruba Cap, a sacred religious heritage ►Ogbe Otura sign

Ogbe Otrupon: Olofin blessed Orunmila's hands with Ashe to heal

The hunter made Ebbó and prospered thanks to Orula Advice from Ogbe Osa!

Ogbe Osa ► With the help of Eleguá the businessman stopped the Osogbo

The avarice breaks the bag! Ogbe Oche lost everything for his ambitious wife

The Lion played Dead to defeat the other animals in Obge Osa

In Odun Ika Iroso, Ifá Prohibits the ingestion of Alcoholic Beverages

Ogbe Ika: You have to sacrifice yourself to get what you want in this life

Ika Meyi: Orula danced with the heads of her Enemies thanks to the Ebbó

Ejiogbe: What happened when women got sick from working so much?

In Ogbe Osa there is only room for a single King and the traitor falls into the trap

Pataki: The elephant embodies the enraged spirit of Olofin in the bush

Ogbe Okana: Where the Prickly Pear gets its spines with the help of Orula

How did the 3 men get rid of Iku? ► The Ebbó is our salvation

How were the Irofa and the Board of Orula born? Know the History

The History of the Lion and his enemies: He who is born for King, Ifá strengthens him

Why are three Itá performed in the Ifá room? Meet the Pataki

In Ogbe Ojuani Disunity and Envy among fellow men are born

Why was Ogbe Che King in another land? Eleguá always opens paths

Pataki of the Ivory Trumpet: If the Enemy does damage, Orula will save you

Pataki: Ebbó with musical instruments in the land of Ogbe Yekun

Accept the plans that Ifá has for you ► The story of the Limosnero

In a chicken coop there should be only one Rooster: Advice from Odun Ogbe Yekun

2 Pataki of the Ogbe Oche sign where greatness and evolution is achieved

Oshún is offered the goat only if it is castrated ► Know this story

Of the 3 children of the Oba, only one followed Orula's word and was saved

Why is the skin of the goat the perfect skin for the Batá drum?

Neither Obatalá nor Oggún, only Orula became the true King

2 Ogbe Irete Odun Stories that give us Powerful Advice

Ogbe Bara is an Ifá of greatness. With humility and patience, everything is achieved!

Why did the Goddess Yemayá take revenge on Orula the Oracle of Ifá?

Why should the religious ask for the blessing of the Orishas at dawn?

The Daughters of Oshún are the Apetebí of Orunmila ► Know the History

Ifá says: Avoid envy, greed and irresponsibility Good advice!

The Yoruba History of when Abita ambitioned to defeat Orula the Fortune Teller

How did Olofi's son save his life? Orula leads our way

Do you know how Women won the war against Men?

Ogbe Oche: I will go and Luck comes through the mediation of a Woman

Ifá says: Greed is born in Ogbe Oche Advice we must take!

The sacred word of Ifá says: "What happens is convenient" DO NOT doubt it

Why in Ogbe Iroso the Ebbó is placed open in front of Elegguá?

How did the Lines of the Hands arise for the Yorubas?

How did cemeteries arise in the Yoruba Religion?

What secrets did the "Book of Death" hide about the Eggunes?

Story where Orula helps to find Love with the oracle

In Ogbe Oche the Tattoo saved Orula and made him invisible to the enemy

Why does the hourglass mark the arrival of day and the end of the night?

Pataki de Ejiogbe ► Do you know why Orula eats Black Chicken?

Three Pataki on Baba Ejiogbe ► Stories of Orula «The fortune teller»

Prayers to the great fortune teller Orula ► To open paths, ask for light and wisdom

With the power of Yefá the Babalawo defeated the Mayombero ► Pataki

The Mud Head and the ebbó saved Orula from death: Pataki

What is the role of Women within the Rule of Osha-Ifá?

The "lose course", powerful plant to mislead the enemy

Remember: "Theft is an unworthy act within the Yoruba Religion"

Ogbe Iwori: "With the tail of the cow the disease was scared away"

This story gives us good advice "Life is the Most Precious Treasure"

Why should we pay attention to the Orishas Councils?

How do Orula and the complicit Orishas deceive the God Olodumare?

How did the masks reassure the Eggunes and save them from osogbos?

Why did ducks and chickens become rivals?

What is the spiritual meaning of the 7-colored candles in Santeria?

Prayers and Petitions to each of the 7 African Powers

The combat between Osain and Orula By making Ebbó the enemy is annihilated!

How did the Ants save Orunmila from imprisonment? Pataki

Prayers dedicated to the 7 Powers to ask for their protection and protection

2 Magical plants with the Ashé de Orula: Virtues for love and blessing

Faith in Ifá saved the Ants Why were they NOT all saved?

4 Herbs with which Orunmila "The great Oracle of Ifá" creates Amulets

The Objects of Power of the Orishas Do you know these sacred attributes?

Pataki de Orula, the Okra and Death How was the Diviner saved?

The Story of Oshosi the Hunter and the Deer Why didn't they make Ebbó?

2 Stories of the fortune teller Orula that give us Wisdom and Advice

El Maribo, Yoruba curtain that is placed at the entrance of the ilé to stop Osogbos

The history of the birth of the Sacred Rule of Ifá and its relationship with Osha

Pataki ≫ Olofin, Orunmila and the three rains that flooded the earth

Why for the Yorubas the tongue is considered the scourge of the body?

Why does the diviner Orunmila live in a wooden receptacle?

10 elements about the Seven African Powers that you may not have known

Ebbó at the foot of the 7 African Powers ≫ for health and prosperity

The 3 Wise Monkeys and their relationship with Orunmila the Oracle of Ifá

How did the orisha Orula obtain the divinatory board? ≫ Pataki

2 Pataki that show that Orula always defeats Ikú «la Muerte»

The fortune teller Orula always warns of the betrayal of enemies

If we are honest and humble, we will be rewarded by the Orishas

Do you know the Types of Iré that the male Orishas offer to their children?

Pataki ≫ Love story between the Goddess Oshún and the fortune teller Orunmila

Orula's word and Ori's relationship with human fortune

For disrespecting the mandates of Shango, the Osogbos were born on earth

Pataki ≫ Oshún cheated death out of love for Kawó Silé Shango

How did Orula discover the value of life and small things?

Pataki: Oshún is the true Apetebí of Orula, the fortune teller

Why do cats hunt mice? ≫ Patakí from Orula

The fortune teller Orula and the wise Saint Francis of Assisi ≫ Syncretism

The use of Yam in the Yoruba Religion ≫ Fruit for Addimú and Ebbó

Why do the head, the trunk and the limbs go together? ≫ Patakí

Nobody fools Orula, his cunning defeated Ogún ≫ Patakí

Why can't the Orishas deceive Orula? ≫ Pataki

Patakí: The Letter of the Year that no one fulfilled except Orula

Why does the sage Orula punish the rainbow to live on earth? ≫ Pataki

Did you know that Orula witnessed the first breath of life for men?

How did Ozain give the power of the Herbs to Orula? ≫ The Pataki

How to attend Orula on October 4? Offerings to the Orisha in his day

Offerings for Orula, attentions and cleaning ritual to the Oracle of Ifá

Divinatory deities of the Yoruba pantheon, Eleguá and Orula

With the help of Elegguá, Orula obtained the hand of Oshún

10 elements of the Orisha Orula, the Great Yoruba Diviner

Irukes of Obatalá, Orula and Oyá, symbols of power of the Orishas

Pataki de Oshún and Orula, saving a kingdom from their enemies

The audacity of Orula, the great Soothsayer deceives Olofi

How did Orula defeat death? The soothsayer's pact with Iku

What are the Ikines in the Yoruba religion? Orula's word

Humility will make you wise, a Pataki from Eleguá and Orula

Apetebí, Orula's wives

The greeting Iboru, Iboya, Ibosheshe, respect for Orula

Convent of San Francisco de Asís: syncretism, art and religion

Orula: 5 things the Orisha likes

Seven African Powers, the protection of all

How to attend Orula? Offerings, prohibitions and recommendations

Herbs, fruits and flowers of the Orishas

Functions and Powers of the Orishas

Diseases and situations from which the Orishas protect. Get to know them!

Do you know these 10 sacred Sayings of Ifá? Discover the wisdom

Orishas celebration dates ► Do you know when to venerate them?

Who is the Orisha Orula? Knowledge test