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Types of I will go offered by some Female Deities of the Osha

Types of I will

The blessing that comes from the hands of a female Orisha It is always very great, because it is accompanied by the love of a mother who is the bond and one of the most powerful forces that inhabit the face of the earth.

Types of Iré provided by female Orishas:

African saints They are characterized by being benevolent with their descendants, as good mothers they seek their well-being at all times, which is why they give various types of irés to their children, those who come into the lives of these religious in order to save and benefit them.

Aricú: Well-being that comes to ilé for the children.

I'll go Aricú It is the development that comes into the life of the religious at the hands of his own descendants, he is a good sponsored by the Orisha Yemaya, for this is the mother of all humans.

As a good mother and protector, this saint uses this iré for the benefit of the whole family.

Obbini: Luck at the hands of a woman.

The word Obbini is translated as woman, this blessing is directly propitiated by Oshun, the queen of honey, speaks in favor of a progress that comes to the life of the believer at the hands of a female.

Oshún is the saint in which joy is born, which is why it is believed that all the blessings that it gives come with an additional pinch of happiness.

Ocó: Luck that is acquired through marriage.

The blessing that is acquired through marriage is called Ocó, it is intertwined with the marriage union and the mutual help that is required to carry a relationship afloat.

This luck is protected by the Orisha Obba who was able to make great sacrifices for love.

Elese Egguns: Unfolding through the dead.

The development that is acquired through the spirits is known under the name Elese Egguns, this is offered to mortals by the protective dead.

It is closely related to yansa the owner of the spark.  

Mereayé: Blessings brought by the four winds.

The luck that comes through the wind is provided by Oyá, the Orisha who brings blessings with her Bear, it is characteristic that this type of I will arrive unexpectedly.

Iyá: The benefit that a mother offers.

Iyá is the protective benefit that a mother offers her children, it is promoted by Nana Buruku who is a matriarchal deity within the Yoruba Pantheon.

This gift is often related to stability and health, two great treasures.

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