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5 Popular Holy Week Traditions in the World Did you know them?

Easter traditions

It is the Sunday mass in the Vatican, it is the first and most popular tradition of Holy Week.

Thousands of devotees move to the place every year to listen to the Pope's words and attend mass, during which they pray for peace, happiness, health and, above all, the prevalence of faith.

But we must know that Holy Week is celebrated in many different ways around the world, always linked to spirituality, gratitude and faith.

These dates are a stage of immense cultural display seen in a kaleidoscope of traditions throughout the planet.

Some of the most interesting traditions of Holy Week:

1. Holy Week in the Vatican

Holy Week begins in Rome on Palm Sunday.

As we explained, thousands of devotees attend the mass that the Pope celebrates in Saint Peter's Square in Vatican City. Attendance is free.

In addition, after Palm Sunday there are numerous religious services in the place, such as the Good Friday mass and two masses on Resurrection Sunday.

2. Spring Festival in Budapest, Hungary

In Budapest, a Spring Festival is held every year during the month preceding Easter, with cultural events, folk music, dance performances, concerts and art workshops.

This religious and cultural celebration is a tourist attraction in Hungary. Thousands of tourists, mainly Catholics, come to the country to witness the festivities.

3. Holy Week at Le Saint Chapelle, Paris, France

Behind the majestic Notre Dame is Le Sainte Chapelle or the Holy Chapel, a beautiful piece of gothic architecture with painted stained glass windows that welcomes thousands of participants.

One of the most emotional traditions of Holy Week is celebrated there. The Easter concert in Paris, with works by famous composers such as Bach, Haydn and Mozart, is a splendid and incomparable spectacle.

After the concert, the participants move to Notre Dame to listen to the tolling of the bells that is repeated throughout Easter Sunday.

4. Easter Egg Race at Easter, United States

Hosted by the President of the United States and the First Lady, the Easter Egg Race is held on Easter Monday on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington DC.

It's a XNUMXth-century tradition created for the amusement of children who roll a painted hard-boiled egg across the lawn with a serving spoon. Participants are selected by public lottery.

5. The Passion of Jesus Christ in London

The Passion of Christ is one of the greatest religious traditions during Holy Week. The performance takes place outdoors on Good Friday, in Trafalgar Square.

There, before a massive audience, the classic biblical story of the death and resurrection of Jesus is reproduced in about 90 minutes. The performance is projected on giant screens so that all the participants can follow it.

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