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How did you see Oduduwá? The Orisha who wears a Mystery costume

Oduduwá costume

Oduduwa He is the First King of Oyó and the eldest dead, who created the earth and living beings together with obbatala. Represents the mysteries and secrets of death.

He is also the owner of loneliness, he is androgynous and can have feminine and masculine characteristics. He, Oddun and Orula are brothers who always walk together forming a trinity.

It is the so-called Orisha of desires, as it is awarded the creation of the world and the care of it. It is a very powerful spiritual mass that has no shape or shape.

It represents the mysteries and secrets of death, as Oduduwá uses spirits to manifest and help believers with their great powers.

What costume and items do you wear Oduduwa?

Oduduwa It is considered by many believers as one of Obbatalá's own paths, as its symbols are also purity and whiteness. The color white also contains the mysteries of death, those of which only Oduduwá is the owner and lord.

For this reason this Orisha wears a white suit and also a red sash is tied around the waist that, when tied, leaves the right end longer.

As it is always secret and in the dark, wear a hat or head scarf, because it should never be in the sunlight.

In the Rule of Osha (Santeria) When an initiation is to be performed on behalf of this Orisha in the house of the babalawo, the throne must be completely white.

Attributes worn by the orisha Oduduwá

Oduduwá's objects of power and attributes remind him that he is the ultimate guardian of death, and that he prefers the purity contained in secrets.

Everything that is offered to this Orisha should show our utmost devotion, for let us remember that Oduduwá can grant our deepest wishes if we show him loyalty and immense respect.

Como Oduduwá attributes carry:

  • two ivory elephant balls
  • a white horse
  • sixteen otas (stones) of river, hill or road
  • thirty six snails
  • wick fed with almond oil, which is lit every Thursday
  • sword or machete
  • globe
  • two equal dolls
  • uke or ukre, broom to sweep the elephant tail yefá, but in the absence of this it can be used as a horse or deer
  • rings of white, black, red and yellow beads.

Oduduwa It is symbolized by the standing Osun that the Babalawos have, which is represented by a white metal rod with a round base and a dove of the same metal at the upper end.

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