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How was the tradition of offering Oshún the Violin touches born?

Oshún Violin

Not only the drum is offered to the beautiful Oshún so that she feels happy, dancing and moving her waist with her great wavy and flowing hair, to the rhythm of the movements of the river, laughing and moving her golden handles.

Iyalodde dances sensually to the drum beat, but when the magic violin music is offered to her her feelings surface, she enjoys it with a true and great passion that steals sighs.

The history of the first violin was born from the inspiration of one of his Daughters

The violin dedicated to Oshún is not an invention of recent years, its origin dates back to 1941 when Doña Aurelia Crespo gave Oshún the first violin on September 12 in the Cuban city of Matanzas.

  • This lady was crowned Oshún and her saint's name was Oshún Miguá.

The parties dedicated to Oshún by this lady with the music of the violin were distinguished for being very beautiful, for the general enjoyment of her guests and the quality of said parties.

The Daughters of Oshún are the protagonists in this beautiful ceremony

Violin music in ceremonies has been offered to Oshún since then, although it is also usually offered to the orishas Yemayá, Oba and Oyá.

Almost always when the violin is offered to Oshún, five of his daughters are present, dressed in their yellow dresses, with scented fans, and with glasses of champagne to toast.

The ceremonies to the Goddess Oshún are usually splendid, made with an overflowing love and beauty. The ceremony should be filled with joy and laughter from all.

The music that is usually interpreted to open and close the ceremony is an Ave Maria (syncretism is seen a lot here), waltzes and songs of the Orisha are also interpreted.

Speaking of waltzes, in one of the Oshún roads, specifically in Oshún Olododdi there is a work or ritual for their daughters to win battles, open paths and obstacles and that is to dance a waltz with 15 pairs of young virgins.

Thanks to Oshún Miguá for incorporating beautiful violin music into the ceremonies! In Osha, everything that is done from the heart and with love endures in time in the same way.

  • We leave you here this beautiful video of a violin to Oshún in syncretism with the Virgin of Charity, and below some offerings that you can offer to the Orisha goddess of love.

Meet other beautiful offerings that are given to the Goddess Oshún:

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